About This Guide

A highly trusted, proactive and versatile Leader and Coach.  Extensively experienced in Personal Development Training within the outdoor environment.  An extremely innovative and forward thinking facilitator adept at development of adventure activities and concepts to suit the needs, abilities and experience of group/client or respective business goal. Orchestrating and leading a diverse range of specialist activities safely with active consideration of the risk benefits.  Significant proven leadership and instructional experience in challenging environments at the highest levels resulting in quantifiable benefits to the organisation and individual.  A flexible manager, responsible for organisational goals and strategy at the highest levels with a proven record in managing scenarios requiring calm in the most difficult situations and environments.

Matt is a BCU Aspirant L5 Sea Kayak Coach, qualified teacher of Outdoor Education and NLP Master Practitioner Coach. After serving 16 years in the Royal Air Force as a Physical and Adventure Training Officer, Matt moved to Sweden where he now runs Sweden Outdoors Coaching. As well as a passion for Sea Kayaking, Matt also enjoys whitewater paddling and Open Canoe expeditions.

He has paddled and led groups extensively around the coast of the UK, Sweden and Norway; Matt is now helping develop a coaching scheme for the Swedish Canoe Federation and introducing the European Paddle Pass (EPP) to Sweden.

Matt can also be found in the mountains either running, climbing, mountaineering or ski touring and since moving to Sweden he has developed a unique way of incorporating bushcraft activities into expeditions using the Mountains, Rivers, Forest and of course the sea, this of course is just an excuse for prolonged ‘Fika’ – coffee cooked over an open fire and something sticky!

Coaching (Certificates)

BCU Asp L5 Coach Sid Sinfield

BCU L4 Sea Kayak Coach

BCU L4 Whitewater Coach

BCU L3 Open Canoe Coach

NLP Master Coach

BEd Outdoor Education

20 Years of taking part and leading various length UK based and overseas Expeditions. Responsible for developing ‘Eagles’ Scheme in RAF leading to 1000+ personnel per year undertaking expeditions overseas. I am also an Accredited Practitioner for the Institute of Outdoor Learning. As a qualified Swedish summer and winter mountain leader Matt is currently helping the Swedish Mountain Leader Organisation gain UIMLA status.

Advanced Guide

Advanced Guide Observation
Advanced Leadership
BCU 5*
Advanced Planning
BCU 5*
Advanced Skills
BCU 5*
BCU Asp C5

Coastal Guide Modules Passed

Coastal Guide Observation
Coastal Leadership
As Above
Coastal Planning
As Above
Coastal Skills
Lead Trainer for Svenska Kanot Förbundet in Sea Kayak European Paddle Pass scheme up to red level (BCU 4*)
Expedition Skills
First Aid
Regular first aid practice – annually with RAF and various courses – St Johns Ambulance, HSE, REC
Food Hygene
Food Hygiene (C&G Certificate and Bushcraft Cert) NCFE L4 Qualified Bushcraft Instructor and Mentor

Generic Modules Passed

Incident Management
BCU 5*

Sea Kayaking Fundamentals Modules Passed

Sea Survival
Sea Survival: Rescue Officer previously responsible for training Fast Jet Aircrew in Sea Survival and Helicopter Rescue
VHF license

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