International Sea Kayak Guide Alliance
An international sea kayak guide alliance which represents the professional and commercial sea kayak guide.
Welcome to ISKGA
We are professional, dedicated and enthusiastic about sea kayaking and guiding others on the ocean. We recognise the need to have a fair, uncomplicated and inclusive system within which guides and coaches can operate effectively and with purpose.
We are an inclusive community of like-minded individuals banded together through a common purpose; guiding others on the ocean.

Coastal and Advanced ISKGA Guides across the globe. Fully trained to the ISKGA internationally recognised standards.

Training Academies
A network of selected, authorised training academies who can help you gain ISKGA qualifications.

Modules & Courses
Internationally recognised training framework for sea kayak guides.
The ISKGA Guide is trained to operate effectively in a remote/wilderness environment. To that end their practical knowledge of Incident management, sea survival, expedition skills and remote or wilderness first aid is deeper and a lot more thorough than you would find in your normal club/centre environment.
Setting the Standards for Sea Kayak Guides
ISKGA is not aimed directly at the “Club” paddler; other organisations fulfil this role in a very effective manner. However we do actively encourage club members & individuals who might be involved in “National Home Nation Awards” to use the ISKGA program as a means of underpinning existing awards/standards and to help in developing their personal knowledge, skill & experiential base even further. ISKGA courses will strengthen your personal paddling, your leadership abilities and your experience as an expedition team member.
Coastal & Advanced Guides
The Coastal and Advanced Guide is a professional award for people who wish to make a career within the industry. It is internationally recognized as the benchmark of a professional sea kayak guide.
An ISKGA guide must demonstrate C.A.K.E at all times.
Currency - Ability - Knowledge - Experience
A Robust Framework
We recognise the need to have a fair, uncomplicated and inclusive system within which guides and coaches can operate effectively and with purpose.
Confidence in Quality
Employers can employ with confidence, knowing that each individual has received thorough training and assessment, over a period of time and is current and active in ALL aspects of Sea Kayak guiding.
Prepared for Nature
The ISKGA Guide receives an in-depth level of practical, scenario based training in the handling of incidents at sea and on land and to that end will have established thorough emergency action plans (EAP’s) to facilitate a rapid and safe engagement of the emergency services, should an incident occur.

A Knowledge Base
The ISKGA Guide has a solid base in their development of essential expedition skills, such as fire lighting, fishing and shelter building and they will also know how to make improvements to your personal paddling ability and can advise you on how to outfit yourself effectively for an expedition in a remote environment.
Want to Discover More?
Get in touch with ISKGA and we can help you, whether that is to become a registered ISKGA guide, training centre or finding the right provider.