ISKGA Modules
ISKGA has developed a range of training modules and enhancement courses to benefit commercial sea kayak guides.
These modules are the building blocks to becoming either an ISKGA Coastal or Advanced guide. The modules can be completed either with an Authorised Centre or over a period of time with a mentor.
The modules below are the prerequisites to becoming either an ISKGA Coastal or Advanced Guide.

Generic Modules
Module Name
Minimum Duration
Expedition Skills
2 -5 Days
Lighting fires, building shelter, foraging for food, camp craft and more.
First Aid
Marine FA 3 Days, MWFR 6 Days MWEMT 6 Days
It is the responsibility of the guide to ensure that the level of training and certification he or she gains is appropriate to the environment they operate in and the type of trips and clients that they are leading.
First Aid
7 DAys
An overview os ISKGA First Aid Requirements
Incident Management
4 Days
Leadership through crisis - A training course to help you manage a variety of incidents at sea safely & effectively.
Method of Instruction
2 Days
Coaching while guiding groups on the sea.
Sea Survival
1-2 Day
Training in sea survival including the use of signalling equipment and life rafts.

Guide Modules
To become an ISKGA guide you must complete the following as well as the above modules.
Module Name
Minimum Duration
2 Days
Leadership in an Advanced/intermediate environment.
Paddling Skills
Planning & Navigation
2 Day
Planning trips in an Advanced/intermediate environment.
Tide Race IM
1/2 Days
Tide race & overfall incident management

Advanced Modules
To become an ISKGA Coastal guide you must complete the following as well as the Generic modules.
Module Name
Minimum Duration
2 Days
Leadership in an Advanced/intermediate environment.
Paddling Skills
Planning & Navigation
2 Day
Planning trips in an Advanced/intermediate environment.
Tide Race IM
1/2 Days
Tide race & overfall incident management

Advanced Modules
To become an ISKGA Advanced guide you must complete the following as well as the generic modules.
Module Name
Minimum Duration
Advanced Guide Observation
Advanced Planning
1 Day
Planning in advanced tidal environments.
Advanced Skills
2 Days
Rescues, Rolling, Surfing and general boat handling in advanced conditions.
Incident Management
2 Days
Leadership in advanced conditions.

Environmental Modules
To become an ISKGA Advanced guide you must complete the following as well as the generic modules.
Module Name
Minimum Duration
Paddling in Ice
Help prepare expedition members / leaders who are intending to explore Arctic regions where serious ice conditions will be encountered.
Sea Kayaking Fundamentals Level 1
4 Days
A pathway of progressions for those who are new to sea kayaking and for those participants wishing to develop skills.
Sea Kayaking Fundamentals Level 2
5 Days
Aimed at sea kayakers wishing to build upon and improve their foundation knowledge in core Technical; Rescue; First Aid; Expedition; and Navigational Skills.
Sea Kayaking Fundamentals Level 3
5 Days
The level whereby the individual paddler will be able to utilise their Technical; Rescue; First Aid; Expedition; and Navigation Skills within a dynamic environment.
VHF license

Register for an Observation
Start your ISKGA journey today and register for an observation to gain your Award.
Want to Discover More?
Get in touch with ISKGA and we can help you, whether that is to become a registered ISKGA guide, training centre or finding the right provider.