About This Guide

43 years experience, sea, surf, river running, slalom, whitewater racing.
Club coach from 1986
Slalom paddler to div 1 during the 1970’s
WW racer to Div A in the 1980s
Founder member of two clubs
Chairman of two clubs in the 1990s
Sea kayak paddling trips and short expeditions in Alaska, Canada, USA, Japan, Norway, UK
Professional coach and guide since 2000
Founder and owner of Seafreedom Kayak since 2003

Advanced Guide

Advanced Guide Observation
Inland 4 Star Canoe 3 Star BCU 5 Star Sea
Advanced Leadership
BCU 5*
Advanced Planning
Advanced Skills
BCU Level 3 Inland BCU Level 5 Sea

Coastal Guide Modules Passed

Coastal Guide Observation
Coastal Leadership
Coastal Planning
Coastal Skills
Expedition Skills
First Aid
Two day outdoor first aid
Food Hygene

Generic Modules Passed

Incident Management

Sea Kayaking Fundamentals Modules Passed

Sea Survival
VHF license

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